The LQS, the Crazy 9 Patch, had a holiday class recently. International quilt teacher, Susan Baker, taught a table runner
class. One of the students made 2 of these table runners to give as gifts to her adult daughter. She made the table runners longer than the original design, they are 14" x 72" or 5 blocks.

I guess that I should mention that I don't quilt table runners...from the longarm quilter (who charges by the square inch) point of view they are more trouble than they are worth. It takes as much time to press and mount them as it does to quilt them. I thought that I had put a "$50 minimum" statement in my business brochure to discourage people bringing me baby quilts and table runners but alas, no.
So Rickie brought me these lovely table runners. However, since the back of the table runner is the same size as the top of the table runner, how do you pin it your top and bottom rollers? What to you clamp to on the side of the 14" table runner?
I had to make two 4" x 72" extensions and pin the top and bottom table runner to it on the top and then pin it again to the roller leader. Repeat that for the bottom of the table runner. I quilted it slowly in an effort to keep my design from hitting the extensions. Rickie wanted Carla Barrett's circle-hook-fern feather in the borders and the sunflower with squiggles digitized design (Legacy Quilting) in the blocks.
I hope she likes it. $25.20 for 3 hours work.
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