I love reading blogs. I have been so busy with medical stuff and trying to keep up with my quilting that I have fallen behind on my normal blog reading. So I had some spare time (huh?) yesterday and checked out some decorating blogs like Jenny Komenda's Little Green Notebook, Shannon Darby's The Designer's Attic and The Nester's Place and some others. It is both addicting and inspirational to read these wonderful ideas from people who have way more savvy about decorating than I do.

I have to admit that my living room looks a bit dated, even haggard and needs some updating. Constrained by my budget, I took one of these "thrifting" ideas to heart and starting window shopping Craigslist. I figured that I would start on something small and easy. Lamps seemed like a good place to start. This is what I found. Aren't those circles cool? Both lamps for $45 was the deal. When I got there to pick up the lamps, the seller apologized that one of the lamp shades was damaged. So he discounted the price to $40 for the 2 lamps. Still a good deal. But now I have to think about buying a replacement shade; Well, shades really. These lamps are so striking that it would look odd to have different shades on them
I went to Lamps Plus looking for the replacement shades. As soon as I spotted it, I knew it was perfect. There were only 2 so I grabbed them up. I love lines with circles, it is such a good-looking contrast. As I headed for checkout, I glanced at the price tag. $40 per shade. Hmm, that took the thrifty wind out of my sails. Then I added it all up and decided that $60 a lamp was still a darn good deal.

Now, I'm going to see what other bargains I can find on craigslist. I need some extra storage for my quilting thread. Maybe I can find an old dresser that needs some funky paint. Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted.