We are finally moving my longarm machine back to the original studio. The room (15' x 16') is actually the 2nd master bedroom in the house. It has 2 windows (one east-facing and one that is south-facing) so I get lots of light when I pull up the room-darkening shades. When the shades are down, it's as dark as the inside of a cow.
I have an overhead light on the ceiling fan but it is only good for ambient light not really a work light. I have the Gammill light bar for work lighting. The carpet was the original from when the house was built in 2001 and it did not hol dup to the apple juice stains of my grands or the tea stains from my mother's cuppa. We chose a latte colored carpet in frieze (pronounced free-zay).
And of course, I have my own bathroom which makes it quite handy while I am working.
This first photo is a
work in progress peak at the room. The wall-to-wall closet was chocker-block full of batting on rolls and batting bags in boxes.

And here is what the carpet looks like after installation.

It's funny that it only took us a half day to move everything out of this room when we re-located the studio to the living room. Because I have made a bizillion trips from the new studio to the old looking for (snippers, SID ruler, chalk bowl and foam brush, etc) looking for stuff that I need for the totol of two quilts that I have done since we moved the machine. The living room is 15' by 20' and I had so much more room. I also had to deal with the 3 door ways into the living room. Well, 4 doorways if you count the patio slider.
We will eventually (read: when the insurance company gets off their butts and sends us a check) fix the hole in the ceiling in the living room, circa Dec 17, 2008. And after that gets done, then we can proceed to get the wood floors replaced. I know the insurance company is stewing about this. The patch of floor that is ruined is only 6 x 9 feet (approx) but since Pergo discontinued their engineered wood, we have no way to replace the bad part. So the insurance will have to replace all the wood that adjoins the "bad spot". That would be:
-- 15' x 20' living room which joins the
-- 15' x 15' dining room on one side and the
-- 12' x 15' foyer which joins the living room and the
-- 4.5' x 45' hallway which at one point
-- steps down 3 wooden steps to the den 8' by 3 steps.
There is a bit of irony. When we had the floors installed 2 years ago last April, they delivered the wood and put the boxes into the dining room so they could acclimate to the house for three days. The 3rd party delivery people had already screwed up the delivery twice so they were anxious to get this one off their list. So they put the wood in the driveway.
Me: "That wood is supposed to be in the house."
Delivery guy: "No, this is where we always leave it."
Me: "Hello, what if it rains?"
Delivery bubba with eyes rolling: "It ain't gonna rain."
Me: "You need to call the store and get this sorted out."
Delivery oaf pushing a clipboard toward me: "You need to sign this paper that the package was delivered."
Me: "I'll sign when the wood is INSIDE my house."
Then I went inside and called the store and vented with the manager.
The delivery guys sat in front of our house for 15 minutes undoubtedly re-grouping their next move. They must have gotten a phone call relayed to them because they started bringing the boxes of wood up to the dining room.
There were supposed to be 50 boxes of flooring. The invoice said 50 boxes delivered. But my husband, the logistics manager on crutches, counted the boxes of flooring and came up with a count of 52 boxes. Yeah, we had 2 extra boxes. 2 boxes that we had not paid for. 2 boxes that would have been more than adequate to fix that bad spot in our living room. He made the delivery guys take the 2 boxes back to the store. Grrrrr.