Autumn is my favorite season. The weather cools, the leaves change colors and the promise of holidays fill the air. Sadly, we learned that Terry's mother was diagnosed with an agressive for of lung cancer, she was 76. She was so afraid of the chemo, I think that she just didn't want to face it. 22 days from diagnosis to death. She will be missed.
Ramona had its annual Back Country Quilt show. See the page later in this blog.
Ramona and many areas of San Diego county were hit by 8 wildfires. The Witch Creek fire started about 8 miles from our house. We were evacuated for 5 days. The fire burned thousands of acres, over 1800 houses and people lost their lives. Exactly 4 years ago, the Cedar fire devastated San Diego county. The smoke and ash lingered for weeks. We are in that stage now after the Witch fire.

Ramona is a small friendly town. We pulled together after the last fire so we knew what to do after this one. As you can tell by the signs, we hold firefighters in high regard. I don't know why they do their job but I am so glad they do. Ramona has a lot of old Scrub Oak trees. Many of them burned up. There is one burned out old tree from the Cedar fire. It smoldered for days after the fire. It looks like a dog with pointed ears. The town calls it the Cedar Fire dog. Kids use the fire dog like a bulletin board hanging messages on it such as Happy Birthday or Welcome Home to a military member.
October closed with Halloween. My grandchildren always have fun during this holiday. They get to meet family and friends and walk around in cool costumes and night and get candy. What could be better that that for a kid?

Hunter, the redhead is going to be 5 next month. He is a Star Wars fan and dressed as a Jedi knight. Gavin, a 2-yr old the jumping bean, dressed as a policeman. He should have gone as a lightning detector. Bad case of bed-head. Madison, 8 months old, skipped the costume and just went along for the ride.