A friend from church was sworn in as a U.S. Citizen on Wednesday. Because of dual-citizenship laws in Sweden, she had waited a long time. Our local party planners (Jeannette, Linda T and Judy H)decided that Elisabeth needed a party so that we could all celebrate with her.
We all brought a dish of food to share. As soon as I stepped in the party house, all I could see was red white and blue. All of us wore red, white and blue and were handed mardi-gras-style RWB beads. There were RWB balloons with streamers, banners with "In God We Trust" and RWB "God Bless America". There were stick on red and blue stars in the foyer so us girls could add a star or two to our faces.
The celebration started with all of us facing the flag and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance (including the "Under God" part). Then we sang "God Bless America" and then "The Star Spangeled Banner". Elisabeth gave a wonderful speech (not a dry eye in the house) and the party was started for real. Congrats, Elisabeth.
Here are some of the photos. You can make up your own captions.
The new citizen has a big smile on her face.
