Our church has a big pit barbeque every year after Sunday service. Lots of families and food and fun.

But the night before the church picnic, several adults gather to prep the pit and get ready for the big doings tomorrow. We all bring a dip (mine is onion souffle), shrimp, cakes, chips, veggies, chili x 3 and much more.
This year we have brisket, turkey, pork shuolder, quail, pheasant, and wild boar.

Russ preps the pit with wood until the pit is good and hot.

Then the women gather to season the meat before it gets put in the pit.
There will be a jumpy for the kids, horseshoes, games involving hula hoops and water balloons and a game to guess the names of baby photos of congregation members. It will be a hoot.
Recipe for onion souffle:
2 packages of frozen onions - thawed and water squeezed out
3 8-oz cream cheese softened on the counter (not the microwave)
1/2 cup of mayonnaise
2 cups of shredded parmesan cheese.
Mix ingredients and back in a greased 13 x 9 pans for 15 -20 minutes at 425 degrees.