Here's Eileen 'on her horse' and that's Sherm, her pooper-scooper.

Linda is standing by her parade float.

I asked Elizabeth is her insurance was paid up before she got on her son's motorcycle.

Here's Wally. Lots of balloons. Wally and wife Judy had the music for the parade. He even found a gray ponytail to pin onto the hat he is wearing.

There was even a wagon load of puppies in the parade.

And this golf cart is packed with the 4th of July spirit. Even the stuffed toys were in 4th of July regalia.

We also had an ATV all dressed up with a BIG flag in the parade.

This is my Schwinn adult trike. I love this thing. It only has one speed but it is just right for me. Handy basket in the back, too.
What a great 4th of July week-end. First we had a small parade in our community. What fun to see everybody with their golf carts, wagons and bikes all decorated in red,white and blue.
There was also a quilt show in Old Poway Park that was put on by my guild, Friendship Quilters.There were about 45 entries. It was a great show. The winner of the most patriotic quilt was Terry Seaberg's quilt.
Viewer's Choice in the Whimsical categroty was Cheryl Ranes "My Inner Diva".
And Best of Show was this Baltimore Album by Audrey Mueller.
Congrats to the winners. It was another great show.