I googled it. I looked all over the internet and found it "backordered" or "not in stock" or "waiting to receive shipment of". After much searching, I found it at boatandrvaccessories.com. $36.99 and ordered it in time to receive it by Christmas.
The box arrived yesterday and it seemed a bit large for a hand vacuum. I turned over the box and saw the photo and stock number. I ordered SPV-1800, they shipped PSV-1800 (a much higher priced item). I checked online and the one I received sells for $66.99. So this is probably much nicer, sucks better, whatever. It is not what I ordered. It is pivotal and cordless but it is not what Dana wanted.

I couldn't call the place I ordered it from, they just forwarded the order to the warehouse in Rialto, CA. Using the invoice, I called the Customer Service number in Rialto, CA and explained that they had sent me a more expensive vac than I ordered and could I please trade it for what I ordered to begin with? yada, yada, "Call this local disctribution center in San Diego". Called that local distribution center and, yada, yada. Grrrrrrr. Who needs this kind of run-around?
So Dana will have a sucky Christmas (pun intended). She'll get this nice vacuum (which she didn't ask for) on Christmas and she'll get an IOU from me for the other. This really sucks.
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