Ahhh, the peace of piecing.
I bought a fat jelly roll (4 inch) of batiks at my LQS and decided to take the easy way out. I will use the strips in varying lengths in a horizontal row configuraion. I have heard it called by several names - LaSagna, candy bar, and row quilt. I don't know who designed it so I can't give credit to the pattern designer. I'm not sure what the pattern is even called since you just whack the strips into various lengths and put them together.
It is mindless, really. Maybe that is what I like about it. You just get the peace of the machine purring and get to touch beautiful fabric as you feed it into the machine. No exact measurements required. It is very forgiving of my lack of attention, too. That's always a bonus. No reading and re-reading pattern instructions are necessary for this type of quilt.
So I have about 16 strips in varying lengths (65" -80") hanging vertically on my design wall. I also have a pony wall that separates the main hall in my house from the den 3 steps down. This wall is like a magnet, everything ends up there. So right now, there 3 groups of assembled 70" long strips. There are two 2-strips and a 3-stripper. The point is that the quilt looks so much better when 2 pieces of the same fabrics are NOT next to each other.
So tonight, after I get home from work, I'll tweak them some and see if I can get a few more done.
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