I love having a Dwarf Meyers Lemon tree in the yard. I can grab a lemon for chicken or shrimp and it is nothing but fresh.
On Christmas day, my grandkids came to visit. I needed a lemon and asked the Gavin, age 5 and Madison, age 3 to go out and get a couple lemons off the tree. Well, that was so new and so exciting to them that they brought in about a dozen lemons. They had fun and we might as well get them off the tree before the next rain or before the gophers get the tree.
Since Christmas, we have had another storm and very cold temperatures, in the 20's and 30's. I'm fixing chicken tonight so I needed a lemon. This is what my husband brought in from the tree. Yeah, that is way more lemons than I need. But now I know where the grandkids get their ideas of portion control. We are supposed to get freezing temps again tonight so I'll just squeeze those lemons into ice cube trays and save the cubes in zip-loc bags.
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