I was cleaning out my desk a couple days ago and found the Nov 2009 Sunset magazine. (hmm, maybe I should re-think renewing my subscription since I clearly do not read the magazine). So there was a recipe for turkey with herbs and wine. It sounded yummy and easy - a perfect combination for me. It was easy to convince the butcher at Stater Bros to cut up a fresh turkey from the case into 7 pieces and de-bone the thighs.

I found the fresh sage, thyme and rosemary in the produce dept. (nose-thumb back to those of you with wonderful kitchen gardens) The recipe called for Marsala. Hmm, is that another herb? Googled it, it's a Sicilian wine. So I use cooking wine to roast the turkey in my roaster and then simmer Marsala (the California kind), more herbs and red currant jelly to make a gravy.
I am making mashed potatoes and carrots. I figure if Terry recognizes 2 out of 3 of the foods on his plate, he'll probably eat it.
sounds wonderful Linda!
Linda that sounds pretty darned good. Will the pictures be of the bird or Terry eating the bird??
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