It's that BOM time of the year again. There doesn't seem to be as many this year as last. Our LQS did the same block but in different fabrics. You could choose from 30's reproduction fabrics, Fairy Frost or batiks with black points. The owner, Martha, chose the batiks. Debbie pieced it, Marilynn added the borders, I quilted it and it goes back to Marilynn for the binding.
Here is the front. Martha wanted to use black thread. It gives it an edgy look with the black star points. I used a stencil and 3-ruler 4-passes required border treament. Not the smartest design choice for black thread on that batik. I should have chosen something simple that I could have freemotioned. But noooooo, I wanted to show off my quilting skills. That sort of blew up in my face. I did the top border, stepped back and just wanted to cry, it looked awful. Frogging took a while on batiks. Why is it that your tension is always perfect on a design that has to eb frogged?
So I stayed with the same stencil + 3 rulers border treatment but used a PermaCore thread in the orange family. That looked good. Of course, I had thread changes and had to rutn the quilt to do the side borders, sigh. I kept the black in the blocks and sashing. I wanted to do continuous since every wobble and stop/start glares with black thread. I'm happy with what I chose for the blocks, the so much, too big. But it is done. And Martha liked it so I'm pleased about that.
The back is red and orange though it does not appear so in this photo. I wanted a secondary design which the curls provided diagonally across the quilt. I couldn't quite see them so I altered the photo in Paint Shop Pro so that the stitching showed.
1 comment:
I love that batik quilt with the touch of black! I am so excited about batiks lately, and have decided I need to start collecting them.
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