Since none of Jody's potential students know about my blog, I feel like it is safe to publish some photos.
I got some wonderful help on this one. Carla Barrett showed me some new ideas designedto challenge my abilities. I also got some ideas for some line work from Ronda Beyer.

The batik purple and lime green fabric inspired me to use what I call Carla Barrett signature flowers. But I'm not up for that. I got the stencil made but had an anxiety attack about the octogon shape with the flower so copped out and did Diana Phillips Flower Power.
I also had the chance to use my new Gadget Girls 45 and 60 degree Diamond rulers. I like those rulers. I did some freemo running circles. First time and it was fun to add that accent into the line work. I'll get better as I do it more often.

But I have to say that my favorite part are the sashing and inner border elements that I learned from Carla. Hook, fern leaf and circle. I will use that again. Thank you Carla.
Wow Linda great work very cool, two of the best giving you tips cool to. Take a deep breath and take the chance, your work is great.
Hi Linda, I drooled over this quilt on the APQS site, but that picture doesn't show the detail like these pictures do.
I have bookmarked this blog spot so I can drool over this quilt some more. You just did such a beautiful job on this quilt, the sashings are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing,
am with anonymous...drool drool...better mop up before it floods my laptop.
You have excelled yourself here and I love the way you are constantly stretching yourself.
Still can't get you on my google reader do not know why...will hasve a look and see if you have an rss feed somewhere on your blog
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