For those of you who regularly visit my blog, you will remember a big scrappy plaid quilt with a life-size (almost) sleeping St. Bernard.
I quilted it for my friend, Allison, who is passionate about Saint Bernard rescue. She donated the quilt for a raffle for Saint Bernard Rescue and the quilt earned....(Can I get a drum roll, please).....
$1,126. Yup 11-hundred smackeroos and all for a great cause. Thank you, Allison.
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I am a quilter who is very passionate about St Bernards and St Bernard rescue. I am hunting for St Bernard quilt patterns - can you assist me? cyncat68@comcas.net
I have a friend in Julia, CA who is also very active in rescue of Saints. I have never seen fabric with Saints on it, though. But I thought that Allison's quilt was genius with the appliqued pooch.
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