The Easter Bunny is coming.
My Mom told me so.

Would you like to know a secret?
I'll tell you one I know

He'll bring a basket filled with eggs.

And leave it in my garden.

And I will find it in the morning
if I look very hard.

This cutey is from one of my regular customers. It is a bit wonky as it has several types of fabrics, including homespun. I decided to try a fill that I learned on Machine Quilters Resource.
One of the quilters there, Rebecca Segura showed us this wonderful fill that she calls 3s and Es. It is so fun and curvy. Thank you Rebecca.

You put the "A" in Adorable! I love your fun creative lovely quilting, Linda. I am always scoping out your blog and photos. Keep up the great work! Shana
Love the cute little bunny quilt....being that I was born on Easter Sunday, its one of my most favorite days. Next to my birthday date since they don't always land on the same day. So I celabrate both days...double the candy and double the fun. Bonnie B.
stunning and so sweet...hope you do get a basket of goodies!!!
Just relisted you on my reader in case that was the problem but the google reader still does not show any new posts after 29/1/09...and clearly there are!!! Better ask my son....I wonder how many other blogger friend's posts i have been missing out on?
Oh that is darling!!! The quilting is wonderful!
I like your blog. Great bunny quilt too!
Hi Linda,
Forget about emailing me your blog address. I stumbled upon it while looking for info on long arms. I remember some of your first quilts--you've come a long way baby! Beautiful work!!
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