Danielle graduated from Ramona High School in the Class of 2008. She started working at the local quilt shop, The CraZy 9 Patch, when she was 16. She learned how to piece a quilt, applique, and even do hand embroidery. Since most of the women up there are much older and some use language inappropriate for young ears, we set up a cus jar and called it Danielle's College Fund. When she graduated, we knew that she would be going to college "down the hill" about 50 miles away, so we would not see her as often. So we put these donation into a gas card and gave it to her as a graduation present.
She is such a bright and centered young lady, it has been wonderful to watch her grow up. Danielle was a member of the high school water polo team. She is also very much into rodeos and cowboys. I wanted to try making a t-shirt quilt for the Ramona Quilt show Oct 17-18. I wanted to use the t-shirts of somebody I know since I was going to give her the t-shirt quilt. Martha, the owner of the CraZy 9 Patch and Marilynn donated the binding fabric and the binding labor.
She will see it for the first time at the quilt show. I hope that she likes it.

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