After much excitement, haul, prep, and setup the night before, the doors opened at Mountain View Community Church at 10 A.M. sharp for Ramona's 9th annual quilt show. We had over 130 quilts on display this year. We had quilts that had been hand-quilted, home machine quilted, longarm quilted and computer-guided longarm quilted.

One of my friends, Brenda, is
one of this years Quilt Show
Chairmen. She was having
too much fun driving my
Get back to work, Brenda.
Give away some door prizes.
We had so many wonderful
door prizes donated for
the hourly drawings. Each
vendor donated an item
and Tracy, the first President of the Back Country Quilters, rounded up some very cool prizes including ColdStone Ice Cream gift certificates.
We also had some vendors and the Women's Fellowship from the Mountain View served a tasty variety of treats from brownies, to hot dogs, and Myrl's famous Taco Soup (yummy).
The CraZy 9 Patch had a big booth loaded up with kits and quilts. The C9P is Ramona's Premier Quilt Shop. See them on the web at www.crazy9patch.com Martha (on the left) is the owner and Heidi is an indentured servant at the shop.

Susie, a Statler Stitcher quilter,
also had her latest invention. It
is a wide folding ironing board
topper that fits right over your
standard ironing board.
Susie's husband, a carpenter
by trade, built the frames and
Susie constructed the cover
using Thinsulate from Warm Co.
and Teflon coated fabric top.
You can see that at
I think we had more folks this year than I have seen in years past. I had a booth again this year. This time instead of promoting myself, I wanted to include all longarm quilters. We have 8 longarmers in Ramona, 2 computer guided and 6 hand-guided, all with Gammill. We had a special section marked "got Quilt?" where we set up business cards, brochures and samples. I also extended an invitiation to Robin, an APQS machine quilter from nearby Vista. Her web-site is www.rockinrobin.com

I also let some of my friends take
a spin on my machine. Whatever
you do, don't tell my husband.
I put together a PowerPoint slide show of quilts that I have done this year and had that running all day. It was a hit. People love to see their own as well as other folks quilts.

Susan Baker a National Quilt
Teacher came down from San
Bernandino for the show.
Her classes at the
Crazy 9 Patch are wonderful;
so many tips and tricks.
Look for her new pattern
and class at Road to
California 2009.

We had a Sewing Circle, debuted
last by Eanne, at the front of the
show. Mema and Sally were
Penny was doing bobbin lace. Eanne had already done some
tatting lace but I missed getting her photo.

My friend, Christi, brought
her spinning wheel to demo
the yarn-making process.
It was a hit, she was
surrounded by people
all day.
All in all, it was a good first day. My feet hurt. Duh. I was doing freemotion demo's all day.
It was wonderful of the Quilted Rose www.thequiltedrose.com to loan me the demo table again this year. My machine head fit on just nicely. I had a glitch. My stitch regulator did not work. PANIC. I have not done freehand feathers that looked anything close to good. But today I did. My stitch length was a bit off but I think it looked great. Robin was there and she did some wonderful freehand without the stitch regulator. I got Barbara away from the class she was teaching at the Quilted Rose and she talked me through some things and Voila! I was regulated in no time. I think that I need to get back to doing non-regulated stitching more frequently, it was so fun.
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