Look at my new addition, a light bar with 4 flourescent bulbs makes it like daylight inmy studio. Putting that light unit together was not easy for me and my husband. We could have used another set of hands. It weighed a ton. Just getting it up from the garage was hard enough. It was a balancing act to put the pieces together. It was worth all the effort, though. I can really see what I am quilting now. And it holds cones of thread.
Then I decided to try one of those Hidden Glow pencils that show up with black light. I drew the design using the wavy template, I turned off all the lights and flipped on the blacklight on my Gammill. That design just popped up and made it so easy to see while I quilted. I had a bobble with the template so there were some lines over lines. I think that the quilt has to washed to get glow pencil out.
Hi! I am coming out of lurkdom to ask a question...is that the Gammill lightbar? Can you tell me where you got yours from - I love the thread storage on top. It looks great!
Hi Richelle,
I got the Gammill light bar at The Quilted Rose in San Diego (www.thequiltedrose.com)for ($500). It is worth every nickel. I used to have to stop quilting when it got dark bur not anymore.
Thanks for the info! I am going to put it on my list - it grows longer everyday:)
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