What fun. I haven't laughed that much in a very long time. A bunch of the quilters from the APQS chat forum met up at the show. I arrived Wednesday afternoon and beat it to the show in Overland Park. I must confess that this is the only time I did not get lost in Kansas City all week. Hawkeye, I am not.
I was signed up for 9 classes. I don't know what I was thinking, I signed up for 3 background classes and 2 border classes. Yikes. I played hooky for a couple of classes; one was so boring, my friend Mary Beth fell asleep in the class so we snuck out. Here are my favorite classes
Renae Haddadin - what energy. Renae has mde some masterpieces and ribbon winners so she speaks with experience about quilt show judging. I took lots of notes. And the bonus was she showed us how to prepare a quilt to be mailed to a show so it does not end up wrinkled when it arrives.
Dawn Cavanaugh - well, it does not get better than Dawn. She has so much knowledge and is so willing to share. I took her background class; great hand-out and she explained where to put them and what threads to use. I also took her This quilt is Trouble class. I got some great ideas on how to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. And now I know how to tell if a quilt is going to be problems before I load them on the machine.
My last but certainly not least class was Irena Bluhm's background class. She has such passion about quilting. And her accent is so wonderful. Her attitude and sense of fun were contagious. Her whole cloth quilt was disqualified because she put green binding on it. Apparently you must use the same color binding in a whole cloth. She was upbeat about it. No, she will not change the binding and submit the quilt in another show. She likes the green. It is a gorgeous quilt. It was not judged but they hung it in the hall, anyway.
Fun with the girls
The crowd gathers just before the Awards Ceremony. This is me (Ramona Quilter) Jeanne (shadows4), Mary Beth, Phyllis (annlittle), Donna (Sam's Mom) and Renae (Renaeg). Not pictured: Nita (where did she go)
This is dinner at Chili's with the gang.
Fromleft, me, Renae (behind my big old bongo head), Donna, Mary Beth, JudyL, Carla and Jeanne. We didn't get a photo at Jack Stack BBQ place. I had dinner with GrammieTammie, Deb, Mary Beth, Renae and Carla. We were surround by Gammill dealers at the restaurant. But they weren't having as much fun as we were.
This was the APQS booth. Yes, they are all dressed up like the movie stars. There was Claudia, Marilyn Badger, Dawn C, Myrna Ficken. They had 7 machines to try and yes they had a piano player.
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