I'm starting to get antsy about going to Machine Quilters Showcase. This is only my second big quilt show. This one is especially for longarm quilters. So I'm excited to see the newest tools, patterns, threads and gadgets that find their way to the vendors mall at the quilt shows.
My first show was Innovations 2006 in Tacoma, WA. I had signed up for 7 classes...way too many. By class #5, I had stopped listening; Class #6 the information was starting to overflow my brain; I don't remember much about class #7. I remember running into a friend in the deserted lobby while everybody else was still in class. I think that she was as overwhelmed with data as I was. I vowed never to do that many classes again.
So what did I do for MQS? Yeah, same thing. I signed up for 9 classes. I had to. All that talent in one place. I wish that you could buy a DVD of every class then I wouldn't have to try to cram all that data into this old fuzzy head in 3 days.
Renae Haddadin Technicalities I 8:00-10:00 AM
Dawn Cavanaugh Backgrounds Design Collection 10:30 -12:30 PM
Kim Brunner Twirly Whirly Feathers 1:00-3:00 PM
Cathy Franks Thread and Tension 3:30-5:30 PM
Dawn Cavanaugh This quilt is Trouble 8:00 - 10:00 AM
Kay Oft A Bounty of Borders 10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Kay Oft Design Dilemmas 1:00-3:00 PM $25.00
Irena Bluhn Sashings and Borders with Irena's Twist 3:30-6:30 PM
Irena Bluhn Irena's Unique Background Designs 8:00-10:00 AM
I am lucky that my brother-in-law lives in Kansas City and is letting me crash at his place. I leave very early on Sunday, so I will stay at a hotel at the airport on Saturday night. Saving the money on the hotel will allow me to spend more $$ on goodies. With all these classes, I'm not sure when I will be able to visit the vendor mall except on Saturday morning. I am hoping to come home with lots of new tips and techniques to try on customer quilts. You have to stay current with the newest tools and trends if you expect to grow your business.
This will be my first time to the Kansas/Missouri area. My DH visited there when his brother graduated from college and then later from law school. Hot the first time and snow the next. When I think of Kansas, I think of Dorothy and Todo. And speaking of tornados, that F-5 class tornado in Greensburg, Kansas two weeks ago was only 300 miles away from Kansas City. Too close. I guess I better get a quick course in where to hide when the funnel approaches. And then this week, there is flooding. Not that overflows the curb type of flooding that always paralyzes drivers here in San Diego. Nooooo. This is that knee-deep, hip-deep, looking for Noah type of flooding. And this was IN Kansas City. Hmmm, and people think that we are crazy for living with earthquakes.
28 days until MQS.
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